Thursday, May 15, 2008

Yay!!! More crit practice...

To paraphrase a local coach: The desire to succeed is useless without the will to prepare properly.

So, off I go to crit practice tonight. No other way to prep for a big crit (State, Memorial day) than to practice intervals and cornering.

Hopefully some of my IC3 brothers will be able to come. If not, I'll jump in some PACC wheels and roll with them.

Looking at:

20 minute warmup
10 minute steady state
5x2 min intervals, 4 minute break
10 minute steady state
Cooldown for howver many minutes are left

2 hours total.

This is also good track prep. I might be going to either the SPS Friday night races, or the Moritz sprints, or both this weekend. Depends on the home stuff.

Cyclist to pray for: Eddie.


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