Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Crikey I'm Creaky, but not too Cranky!

I was able to get in almost 200 miles over 5 rides in 4 days last week:

Thursday...laps at White Rock lake in the Fall Mini-Series at the Superdrome (7th out of 10)
Saturday morning....28 mile ride from BikeMart with a good friend
Saturday two categories at the Superdrome (and a spectacular leg explosion that forced me to abandon both cats...)
Sunday afternoon - 45 miles easy solo spinning to Frisco and back with no goal.

I hurt. Legs, back, left knee....ugh.

But it was fun.

So there.

When I was in my 20's I would have done twice that and gone back for more on Monday.

But I'm not 20-something anymore. Now I aging cyclist. :)

Cyclist to pray for: Chris G.


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